Marijuana Grow Site Security
As much as the price of wholesale marijuana is dropping, grow operations are still prime targets for theft, both from employees and outside criminal elements. Both your business plan and your site setup will need to take this into consideration.
Externally, you’ll need adequate fencing, gates, locks, alarms, entry protocols, lighting, and video cameras to deter potentials thieves. You might even need on-duty security guards through the nigh, depending on your exact situation.
Internally, you’ll need a security office where all the cameras pipe into a central viewing monitor, with a trusted employee keeping an eye on things most of the time. You’ll also need even more cameras inside the site, letting workers know that you are not asleep at the wheel. Sadly, the rate of internal theft at marijuana grow sites and retail sites is alarmingly high.
I’ve hardly heard a single story of a marijuana operation that has not been victim to internal theft over the years. As much as we’d all like to operate with a presumption of trust with our workers, this particular kind of cookie jar is almost as tempting for opportunistic hands as disorganized cash sitting around on a table would be. Many hourly employees often just can’t resist the temptation of pocketing buds (or anything of value) if they think no one is looking.